I just came up with the best opening credit sequence for Generator. It's so damn perfect, I wish I could film it tomorrow! Arg! The locations are all set, as are the crew and actors...the film is about ready to go! (If I ever finish those infernal storyboards!)
I'm moving back to the mothership around the 20th, and I can't wait. Then I can really dig into preproduction. I can actually go to the location, instead of going off memory. I can meet with a special FX person instead of exchanging emails. I can test them to see if they can do a head cast. (and really, there's nothing better than that!) I can meet up with Chris the composer and show him the deal-take him out for a few beers and explain my vision.(we'll have to work out arrangements sir) So much excitement!
Bye Bye Florida, I hardly knew ye, and the little I do know left thou with a bitter taste in thy mouth of thee...um, yeah.
Best things about Florida: 70 degrees in Winter. 24 hour beer supply. No pigs bothered me. All fast food joints take credit.
Worst things about FL: English is an antiquated notion apparently. The roads are like Thunderdome-anything goes! No discernible speed limit-left lane is evidently not for passing in this state. Horrible recycled water smell when sprinklers turn on, which is basically 4 times a day for 11 3/4 months. Yet, they don't require any other recycling-for shame. Violent crime is either the worst of any city area, or the news only covers violent crime. Either way, it's scary and depressing...and Taxi Driver persona inducing. Too many idiots who want to race their Hyundai. Too many idiots who want to race their Honda Civic. Too many idiots that want to put loud mufflers on toy cars. Not nearly enough idiots dead on black top.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Gah Dang It
Posted by
1/31/2006 01:50:00 PM
0 Independent Thought Alarms
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Has anyone heard of Movie Jigsaw? It's a website that allows screenwriters the chance to choose a project idea they would like to develop from a pool of story ideas. The story ideas come from other members who aren't screenwriters, but I guess have story ideas they would like to see developed. Anybody heard anything about this place? It sounds like an okay idea in theory, but so does communism. You kind of bid on a property you're interested in, say, writing credit and 30% from final script sale, and if it's accepted, they hammer out a deal through an entertainment attorney before work is started.
I find it oddly enticing to work on another individuals story. What do you guys think?
Posted by
1/25/2006 07:39:00 AM
5 Independent Thought Alarms
Monday, January 23, 2006
In the past two weeks, I have acquired the Panny camera, Sony Vegas 6.0 editing software, Sony DVD Architect 3.0 , Adobe After Effects, Sound Forge 7.0 and Acid Pro 5.0. And I'm slightly bedazzled with all of it. I'm going through some old tapes with Vegas so I can get the hang of it, and I'm fairly acclimated with non linear editing systems, so it's been an okay experience. The others are confusing as all hell. I made one cool song with Acid, but I always feel I need more loops, beats and samples. I don't think it'll work for scoring my film, though there is a package available for movie scores specifically. I'll try that out when I get more money.
If someone can tell me the difference between Sound Forge and Acid, that would be much appreciated. The PDF manuals are over 300 pages a piece, so I don't feel like going through them if I don't have to.
I also bought three Criterion Collection Dvds-Peeping Tom, Shock Corridor and Brazil. Oh yeah, and Blood and Black Lace:Slashers Edition.
And with all this gluttonous behavior, guess how much actual work I got done? Nada. Of course that's the point-I buy all these materials(well, not all are purchased) I don't need to keep the focus off of my actual work, which as far as I'm concerned is writing. Until I get to direct my film, I had better make use of the time for preproduction. It kind of sucks I'm STILL in FL, since everyone and everything involved with production is in NJ.
I might set up my IMDB page for Generator, though I'll have no pictures to put up yet. Not sure how it works, but that's my first order of business-internet visibility, even if in text only.
Arg! I want to get started!
Posted by
1/23/2006 05:31:00 PM
2 Independent Thought Alarms
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Val Kilmer-Geico Spokesman
Just something I've thought for awhile, and everyone thinks I'm crazy-this has got to be Val Kilmer-looks just like him!
Posted by
1/22/2006 08:59:00 PM
1 Independent Thought Alarms
Friday, January 20, 2006
My Star Has Walked Off The Set!
My sister was playing the female lead in Generator, but she has since been confirmed to be pregnant. Not only am I due to be an Uncle, but I am now searching for a replacement. How unfortunate for me. Well, Uncle J is putting a call out there for any women who think they can sacrifice 1-2 days per week out of their busy schedule, and act in the process. Oh yeah, you'll have to around the NJ/Philly area. Come and get your chance to ...get all bloodied up.
Burn Hollywood Burn! Remakes aplenty! The Last House On The Left, The Hills Have Eyes, Black Christmas, Halloween, Day Of The Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Wicker Man, The Omen, The Thing, When A Stranger Calls, Friday The 13th, Dressed To Kill and many more! Go support these masterpieces you vermin! Seriously, it sickens me. People say get over it, but why should I? It's like my entire life is becoming on horrible Moby remix, complete with obligatory mid 'song' rap. And there are plenty of writers out there who would give up their script for rather cheap just to have a shot of getting it made. (me included) Instead they sink 20-30 million into each one of these abominations, just hoping the opening weekend will get them even. And it does, because there are enough idiots out there willing to shell out $8 just so they can complain on friggin, I don't know, IMDB about how horrible the film was. Well no shit moron! Save your money and complain about the movies existence, not the end result! Too many dumb shits on this planet.
I have to say that I am finally moving back to NJ around February 17th. We got a condo in my old stomping grounds, for pretty damn cheap too. We'll stay there for 5 years(I was hoping more like 3, but whatever), then sell and perhaps move to LA. Though truthfully, I am more intrigued by actually making my own scripts into films than trying to shill them to uninterested parties who don't like anything they can't do themselves. We'll see how my first film goes, because that will go a long way into deciding my future. I understand the you have to be there to get in mentality, but not if you're actually making films. So amazingly, my focus has changed 180 degrees from a year ago where it was a far gone conclusion I was headed west immediately. Nothing to do now but shite or get off the potty.
Posted by
1/20/2006 04:42:00 PM
5 Independent Thought Alarms
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The major theme of my film, Generator, is bound to be stolen soon. I got the idea from a little blurb in a newspaper about a year ago, but suddenly this gruesome act is in vogue. It's just a matter of time before someone hitches their screenplay to it. Me nervous.
And wouldn't that be a bite, woo, ah, missing a whole wrestling meet?
Posted by
1/18/2006 01:41:00 AM
0 Independent Thought Alarms
Monday, January 16, 2006
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em!
A nitwit down here in Orlando decided he wanted fast food/Wendy's. He pulls in the drive thru, then falls asleep/passes out. They call the cops on him. When the police arrive, this guy wakes up and orders 5 cheese burgers. Much to his chagrin, they decided instead to give a him a field sobriety test. He failed that, then they searched his car and found cocaine and weed on his front seat.
Moral of the story? If you're that drunk, and you decide to drive, don't you have to do a few lines to keep you awake? Come on!
Posted by
1/16/2006 05:40:00 PM
4 Independent Thought Alarms
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Camera Get
The Panasonic appeared at my door on Thursday, and to be honest, I have no idea what I'm dealing with. I'm kind of timid with it, with all the customization that can be done. So I'm writing a short that I can film over a weekend. It's a nightmare I had for about a week straight a few months ago. A women is sitting on a grave stone in a cemetery, and I'm in the distance staring at her. She starts screaming at me with the most anguished face I've ever seen. But I can't hear her. Everything is silent. Then it's like everything is moving too slow. I start seeing everything in grey tones. I feel a presence behind me, but I'm too afraid to turn around.
I am suddenly in a bathtub. Someone opens the door to the bathroom and walks in, and it's me. I reach out, and there's blood running down my arm. The other me backs away horrified, I get a glimpse of me dead in the tub, or someone I think is me, almost like a camera flash. Then I wake up.
So, that is how I plan on testing out the camera.
Posted by
1/15/2006 02:02:00 AM
3 Independent Thought Alarms
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
A Side Gig
I am now contributing to Horror Brain which is a semi new site devoted to horror films, and is a part of IGN, a rather huge gaming/everything under the sun site.
On Thursday, my first review will be up, which is for Seven Deaths In The Cat's Eye. On Friday, the 13th, I will be giving my blow by blow account of Hostel (with NO spoilers...I hate when reviewers give spoilers, whether they warn you or not). I may also throw in a review of Bay Of Blood, since the original Friday the 13th stole all 13 deaths from this underrated classic from Mario Bava. Give those youngsters a history lesson on good 'ol Friday the 13TH..
Posted by
1/11/2006 01:19:00 AM
0 Independent Thought Alarms
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I've Been Tagged!
Fun Joel did it. He reached out to the scribosphere and they responded. Dave over at Man Bytes Hollywood tagged William of This Savage Art, who in turn called me out. Here are my quick answers which I'm sure will change once I submit them:
ONE (1) earliest film-related memory:
Sneaking out of my bedroom when I was 5 to catch a glimpse of Magic, a horror film starring Anthony Hopkins and one scary knife toting ventriloquist dummy. My parents, along with my Aunt and Uncle were watching it on HBO, and I watched it right with them, without their knowledge, hiding my eyes now and again.
TWO (2) favorite lines from movies:
"Here's to five miserable months on the wagon, and all the irreparable harm it has caused me." The Shining
"I wanna be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights." The Breakfast Club
THREE (3) jobs youÂd do if you could not work in the ÂbizÂ:
1. Prog metal maestro
2. Football coach
3. Bounty Hunter
FOUR (4) jobs you actually have held outside the industry:
1. Construction worker/Carpenter
2. EA Sports Game Tester
3. Pizza Hut Delivery driver
4. Linen's N Things Backroom/Shipper
THREE (3) book authors I like:
1. Bret Easton Ellis
2. Anne Rice
3. Stephen King
TWO (2) movies youÂd like to remake or properties youÂd like to adapt:
1. I'd like to adapt the Poe Biography, Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance by Kenneth Silverman.
2. I'd like to adapt Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice.
ONE (1) screenwriter you think is underrated:
I think John Hughes is underrated. If you look at his writing credits in the 80's, and the fact that he wrote Ferris in 6 days and Breakfast 24 hours, it's obvious he was a very skilled screenwriter. Too many people lump him in with the horrible eighties, but he was so much more than the others. There's a reason his films hold up today, and I think it's because of his understanding of character interaction, and universal themes that will never die.
Dutch (1991)
Career Opportunities (1991)
Home Alone (1990)
Christmas Vacation (1989)
Uncle Buck (1989)
The Great Outdoors (1988)
She's Having a Baby (1988)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Weird Science (1985)
European Vacation (1985) (also story)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Nate and Hayes (1983)
Vacation (1983)
Mr. Mom (1983)
Class Reunion (1982)
THREE (3) people I'm tagging to answer this meme next:
MovieQuill, Could You Describe The Ruckus?, The Wildwoods!
Posted by
1/10/2006 04:28:00 PM
4 Independent Thought Alarms
Horror Too Much For White Collar Corpses
Listen to these nice comments about Hostel:
In a shocker that rivaled anything in the movie itself, Lionsgate's horror movie Hostel debuted at the top of the box office with an estimated $20.1 million over the weekend. It pushed the previous No. 1 film, Disney's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, which brought in about $15.4 million, into second place. Universal's King Kong dropped to third with about $12.5 million. The strong showing of Hostel, which played in only 2,195 theaters, left analysts aghast. "Hostel tops Narnia and we're all going to hell," headlined cinematical.com. The Associated Press described the box office results as "sheer torture." The British website monstersandcritics.com grudgingly remarked, "Not a bad bit of instant profit for a cheaply made splatter flick."
Horror gets no respect despite it's the easiest way to make a profit, and has been forever. Keep sending out your crappy Adam Sandler pics, your remakes and your Rom/Coms. You can spend under 1 million(Cabin Fever) and make a big chunk of change with a horror film. Get over it !
Posted by
1/10/2006 12:27:00 AM
2 Independent Thought Alarms
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Blood And Guts-For A Fee
I wrote a certain special FX/Makeup company about my film, and sent them the script. Here's the response email, with some funny FX shots described. The **** represents my editing, as I didn't want to give certain shots away.
Thanks for sending me the script for "Generator". As a horror fan, I really enjoyed the plot, and was very intrigued by the effects involved in the film. I broke the script down into most of the effects I would need to fabricate. There are a lot of prop pieces that can be casted off of the actors, and others that can be bought easily and dressed. Below is a list of the effects I saw in the script.
Prosthetic Neck
Fake Sledgehammer
Fake Wrist and Hand
Bruised girl
Platter of meat?
Statue's arms
Fake Head for **** Drilled ***
Body Parts
Mary Hexan - Swollen Eye Piece
Scalp props
Miscellaneous Guts
Fake Torso - Circular Saw
Fake Arm
Metal Poker Prop
Rotted Face In Plastic Bag
**** Wound in Thigh
Fingers and Eyeballs Props
Scalp of Mary Hexan - Wig
Fake ******** Leg - Sawzall
Severed Foot In ****
Screwdriver to ***
Pickaxe to head - Fake Head
Hatchet dismemberment ** ******** **** **********
Dagger to ****** back
Pickaxe through ****** *** **********
If there are any that are being handled by art department or wardrobe, please let me know. I can provide all of the effects listed below by March for the pre-production cost of **** ******** dollars. My day rate on set is **** ******* dollars per 12 hours of shooting, and this includes on set supplies. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. This sounds like an awesome script, and would love to be a part of it.
Thanks again for the opportunity.
Posted by
1/08/2006 01:30:00 PM
1 Independent Thought Alarms
Monday, January 02, 2006
Atmosphere Vs Plot
Reading over my script for Generator, I can see how it may be underwhelming to readers. When I read it, I know in my head the shot, the lighting, the type of music...I have the finished project in my head. The story, or plot, is not a brand new one. Some of the scenes are a hodge podge, of a rehash, of some of my favorite films which I unwittingly emulated through my subconscious fandem. So when asked why did I choose this script to be my first film, I had to think about it. Was it the allure of knowing the horror audience so well? Was it that they will watch even the most ridiculous movies if they're entertaining, or gory, or both? Was it my bitterness and anger coming to a boiling point, and this is the spillage? I think a little of all these things led me to horror. I also think horror can be well represented even if it has no budget. The horror community is a forgiving one. We find the good in all the bad. And heap praise for effort. No other genre gets as many reprieves as horror, and I think it's because no other genre gets shit on more by the 'mainstream' than horror. So it's like being in a clique. We get it. You don't. And we're alright with that. I believe Eli Roth said it best on his solo commentary for Cabin Fever when he said, "If a horror film makes over $100 million, it's a thriller. And I think that's kind of bullshit. The Sixth Sense is horror. So is Silence of the Lambs." In other words, if it gains critical acclaim, and is accepted by the masses, the studios have such a bad connotation with horror, it immediately has to be repackaged under the horror pseudonym of thriller.
And I think that is bullshit. So anyway, back to plot vs atmosphere-I have decided that while the plot is solid, it's not all that mind blowing. There is no trick ending. It's a straight up 70's/80's style merge. I decided to use a Argento styled lighting scheme, such as Suspiria or Inferno. It's going to be draped in color. It's going to be draped in shadow. There are going to be long, steady tracking shots, and a lot of steadicam. No Mtv style here. More along the lines of Halloween and The Shining. I feel the atmosphere is most important. You take a slow buildup, with a unnerving atmosphere and score, and your success is almost assured. The plot is there, enough to warrant it's inclusion. But the movie itself is an experience I want people to feel. I don't need them to think and try to figure out the film. I just want them to feel like they may be next.
Posted by
1/02/2006 09:47:00 PM
2 Independent Thought Alarms
The World Is A Toilet Pt 2-The Nonbelievers Close To Home
YOU ARE DELUSIONAL! So says my girlfriend. Nice huh? Apparently I am so out of touch with the real world that I just assume support for my movie. For instance, she thinks I'm assuming the location will be granted to me. How dare I! I do assume that since the location is my stepfathers business/warehouse. I'm delusional because I wrote in a house location patterned after my best friend of 20 years home. I do assume he would allow me to film there for a couple of weekends, but any home would do. I am quite delusional because making a film while working during the week will be too taxing on me. I am only going to be filming on Sundays, and the odd Sat. night. I don't think that will hurt me too much. She says nobody makes it in this business. Nobody makes it in this business if they don't have the drive and passion to continue at all costs. You can't be a General, or a leader when you're not paying people. I can if I inspire people to believe in the project. That's what a good General, or any leader for that matter, does-inspires.
In other words, I am going up a snow covered mountain with none of the fancy survival gear. Interesting...that's how I would have described my life prior to this endeavor.
Posted by
1/02/2006 04:42:00 PM
2 Independent Thought Alarms
Sunday, January 01, 2006
The Panasonic DVX100A is mine!
Bought it off a nice fellow from the DVXuser forums for $2100. Says it's in perfect condition, with low hours. We shall see. I saved about $1000, all told. I'm excited to get hands on with it. Next up-the Anamorphic adapter!
On another note, I was very depressed when I heard Dick Clark last night. He sounded awful, and has aged to...well...look his age. I hate mortality.
Posted by
1/01/2006 02:48:00 PM
0 Independent Thought Alarms