Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm A Screenwriter-Back The F*ck Up!

Something amazing happened the other day. I was introduced to a person, a friend of a friend. We got to talking and eventually I was asked what I do. For the first time ever, I said "I'm a screenwriter." The first time I've said that without a long pause, without an explanation immediately following that proclamation. The first time I've said that without a tinge of embarrassment. For once I didn't fret over the inevitable follow up question, "What have you written?", or "Have I seen any of your stuff?"

I'm doing what I want to do, what I love to do, and if I die broke in the gutters of the Sunset strip, you will know me by the trail of my dead scripts.


Writeprocrastinator said...

"if I die broke in the gutters of the Sunset strip, you will know me by the trail of my dead scripts."

You should incorporate that quote into your masthead.

JD said...

I think I might!